I gave about 17 re-takes to bag the lead in Jyoti and still had no hopes: Sneha Wagh


Popular Hindi serial ‘Jyoti’ is the story of a young woman who sacrifices her dreams in-order to fulfill the needs of her family. She conquers all kinds of obstacles so that her family can lead a decent life.

The show first went on air in 2009 and was very well received. Riding on the show’s success, leading Hindi GEC, Dangal TV is now getting the show back on-air on popular demand. Sneha Wagh, who plays the lead role in the show, shares her unexpected experience of bagging the show.

Sneha was then called to audition for the role. Recalling her audition experience, she says, “I was a part of the Marathi industry, when the creative producer of Jyoti first spotted me on the television screen while flipping through channels. They were looking for a perfect fit for about six months and that’s when they noticed me. I was immediately called for an audition.”

“It was post 11 in the night and I was giving my 17th take for the audition. I just felt all the shots I gave were nowhere upto the mark. I had lost all hopes of bagging the role. To my surprise, the production house called me back and within seven days I was signed for the show. All in all the show was an amazing experience,” she said.

Even after 10 years of the show being concluded, the team maintains a WhatsApp group where they are in constant contact with each other.

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