Actor brothers Siddharth Nigam and Abhishek Nigam began the year on a spiritual note by taking a holy dip at the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj during Mahakumbh 2025. The grand event, which commenced on January 13, saw the celebrity duo accompanied by their Mother as they immersed themselves in the sacred river.
Sharing glimpses of their trip on social media, Siddharth penned an emotional note describing his experience at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers. He expressed a deep sense of peace, gratitude, and connection to his roots, calling the experience a ‘spiritual awakening.’ Siddharth, who started his television career with Maha Kumbh: Ek Rahasya, Ek Kahani, reflected on how the snan left him feeling rejuvenated and humbled.
Abhishek also shared heartfelt words, calling the Mahakumbh a ‘heavenly blessing.’ He described finding solace in the holy waters and spoke about receiving guidance from spiritual leaders like Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati and Mahant Balvir Giri Maharaj.
The brothers urged fans to visit Mahakumbh and experience its divine energy. Their posts inspired their followers by showing their strong connection to spirituality and cultural values.