The beloved comedy show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah recently celebrated 16 successful years on television. Over the years, the show has seen several changes in its cast, with the latest being Kush Shah, who played Goli, quitting the series after 16 years. This departure sparked rumors about other cast members possibly exiting the show.
Recently, Mandar Chandwadkar, who plays Bhide, became the target of such speculations. A misleading YouTube thumbnail suggested that Mandar revealed shocking truths about Goli’s exit and hinted that he might be the next to leave. In response, Mandar quickly took to Instagram to clear the air.
In a video, Mandar clarified that he is not quitting the show and expressed disappointment over the misuse of social media. He pointed out that the thumbnail used an old picture from a live stream he did when the show completed 16 years. Mandar urged fans not to believe or spread rumors, assuring them that the show will continue to entertain as it has since 2008. He captioned his video, “Guys please do not believe in rumours..and please do not spread it..TMKOC show have been entertaining all of you since 2008 and it will continue the same in coming years..just wanted to convey the truth so posted this reel..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.. lots of gratitude and lots of love.”
Recently, rumors have been circulating on social media that Sharad Sankla, who portrays Abdul, might be leaving the show. However, in an interview with a leading publication, Sharad clarified that he is still very much a part of the show and intends to stay until the very end.