Mental health is very important and we always tend to ignore it: Vivian Dsena


Actor Vivian Dsena is a low profile actor who minds his own business.

When asked Vivian about what’s keeping him busy these days, he said, “I am spending time with myself. I am not much social in any case. Those who have an active social life and into flaunting it are surely affected. We didn’t need corona to realize what and who is important to us. We must value our relationships, life and career. Everything is a choice. A man should be an architect of his circumstances and not the victim.”

On pursuing his love for cooking he says, ” I love to cook and experiment. Before the Corona pandemic happened I made Rose Cake and Walnut Cake.  I try to cook a lot of varieties of Khichdi as its light for the stomach and great for the summers. I cook Paneer Khichdi, Spinach Khichdi, and our traditional Khichdi.”  

About the current scenario because of Corona, he says, “I urge all people to follow the guidelines as stated by our PM and shouldn’t panic. Everyone is on the same ship. This too shall pass. It is not easy for everyone to stay indoor but it is necessary to save ourselves and our country. We all have to keep ourselves busy and also maintain a positive mental attitude. Mental health is very important and we always tend to ignore it. Life has brought us in such a situation that we need to face life and realities on the face. Things eventually will turn back to normal. Faith is very important. We have to keep peace, patience &  positivity and it has to be spread everywhere.”

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