Actress Surbhi Chandna, renowned for her role in the hit TV series ‘Ishqbaaaz,’ recently delighted fans by sharing glimpses from her Roka Ceremony with long-time beau Karan Sharma. The couple, who has been together for an impressive 13 years, celebrated their union in an intimate affair on September 18th in the serene locales of Goa.
Surbhi took to social media to share a beautiful video capturing the essence of their Roka Ceremony, describing September as a special month for both of them, as it marks not only their birthdays but now also their engagement. The couple coined the term ‘Roka*tion,’ signifying a blend of Roka and Vacation, spread over three joyous days with their families.
- Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma’s Roka Video
Bride-to-be Surbhi captioned the post while sharing the video – “September is such a Special month for both of us. Both our birthdays fall in the same month and we are just two days apart. We decided it would be even more special if we did our ROKA in September. The idea was to have a ROKA*TION (roka + vacation) spread over 3 Days in Goa and boy we had so much fun with the Sharmas and Chandnas and blessings from above. Sealed it finally after 13 years on 18.09.2023.” Take a look at the post –
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Fans poured out love and well-wishes in response to the heartfelt post, expressing joy and excitement for the couple’s union. One fan described the video as ‘beautiful and emotional,’ while another commented on its wholesome nature, echoing sentiments of happiness for the duo.
- Surbhi Chandna’s Wedding Date
Looking ahead, Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma plan to embark on their next chapter with a destination wedding in Jaipur, scheduling festivities for the 1st and 2nd of March. As the couple prepares to tie the knot, fans eagerly look forward to witness more heartwarming moments from their journey together.